Category Archives: Devotions

Pastor, Scripture, Prayers

September 6, 2023


Daylight Scripture: Jesus said that humans cannot live by food alone, but only by God’s word.

Matthew 4:4

Daylight Prayer: Dear Lord, Today is only one day out of all the days of our lives. It is a Wednesday. Help me to realize that my life is totally in your hands, and that nothing I do can be done unless you say. Help me to realize that same truth with I look at others. Life is in you alone and I thank you God for life. Amen.

January 30, 2023


people.249123917_stdDaylight Scripture – Christ is our peace. He made all people into one group. With his body, he broke down the barrier of hatred that divides us.  He canceled the detailed rules of religious laws so that he could create one new person out of the many groups, making peace.  He reconciled everyone as one body to God by the cross, which ended the hostility (brought by our sins) to God. When Jesus came, he announced the good news of peace to you who were far away from God and to those who were near. 

Ephesians 2: 14-17

Daylight Prayer – Lord, on a Monday morning so many people are not feeling the peacefulness you intend for us. We face work, school, people that are less than cordial and the daily grind of a new week. But let me face this Monday with renewed hope and peace. Help me to remember that you are the one in whom I find my peace. I don’t have to rely on the world around me to find joy in my days. Lord be present with each person who is feeling less than peaceful today, and bring them your joy. Amen.

January 25, 2023


Daylight Scripture – God visits the earth and make it abundant, enriching it greatly by God’s stream, full of water. God provides people with grain because that is what God has decided. Drenching the earth’s furrows, leveling its ridges, God softens it with rain showers; God blesses its growth. God crowns the year with goodness; and God’s paths overflow with rich food.

Psalm 65: 9-11

Daylight Prayer – When it is raining Lord, I sometimes feel wet with discouragement. I like the sunshine better. It is warm and light and I love to bask in that glow. Sunshine reminds me of your presence. But rain? Not so much. Yet Lord I know that you are with me on rainy days just like you are on sunny ones. Help me to feel your presence in the dark and wet days just like I do on the light and dry days. Thank you for the rain that you give us, because I know it is good. All things, rain and sunshine come from you to bless, and enrich our lives. To God be the glory. Amen.

Photo by StefanU (500px)

January 23, 2023


Daylight Scripture – Who can live in your tent, Lord? Who can dwell on your holy mountain? The person who lives free of blame, does what is right, and speaks the truth sincerely; who does no damage with their talk, does no harm to a friend, doesn’t insult a neighbor; someone who despises those who act wickedly, but who honors those who honor the Lord; someone who keeps their promise even when it hurts; someone who doesn’t lend money with interest, who won’t accept a bribe against any innocent person. Whoever does these things will never stumble.

Psalm 15: 1-5

Daylight Prayer – Gracious Lord, sometimes I feel like the psalmist wondering who will get to heaven, who will be able to live in your house. He speculates like I do, and he sets up all the parameters expected. Yet I know you Lord, in your mercy you forgive us for all of our sins, for all the times we can’t hold up our end, and when we stumble, you are there with us. I am so thankful for your grace that makes us able to live in your kingdom because of Jesus, and only because of him. I am so grateful for your mercy and acceptance of me. Amen.


Daylight Scripture – Jesus said, “All who are thirsty should come to me! All who believe in me should drink! As the scriptures said concerning me, Rivers of living water will flow out from within him.”

John 7:38

Daylight Prayer – Lord, when I see the waters of a lake, river, stream, ocean, my mind begins to settle. I feel like there is strength and calm in the blues, greens, and aquas found there. It harbors life that moves and breathes within. So like the waters of earth, the living water of heaven flows from you. Today Lord, I need the living water that pours from you to give me renewed life. Send your spirit. Send your grace, Send you mercy to me and let me be refreshed in you. Amen.

January 18, 2023


Daylight Scripture – When the Lord changed our circumstances for the better, it was like we had been dreaming. Our mouths were suddenly filled with laughter; our tongues were filled with joyful shouts. It was even said, at that time, among the those who don’t know our God, “The Lord has done great things for them!”  Yes, the Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy.

Psalm 126: 1-3

Daylight Prayer – Oh great God, how awesome you are! Everyday, especially when I take time to look, I see how your loving hand has be at work in my life and the life of my loved ones. My laughter and joyful sounds echo and cause others to wonder…why is she so happy? I can say with assurance, you are worthy of every praise on every tongue in every place there is. Thank you Lord for your blessings and grace! Amen.

January 17, 2023


Daylight Scripture – The Lord said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain and wait. I’ll give you the…instructions and the commandments that I’ve written…”

Exodus 24:12

Daylight Prayer – Lord, I find waiting so difficult. You would think that at my age I would find a way to settle in and do it without complaint. But alas, I still flail and fidget, groan and grip and make myself and others miserable. Lord, help me to have the faith of Moses, who was willing to come to you, even though it was a climb and a struggle. Help me to wait for your gifts of instruction and commandment that will order and guide my life. Amen.

Photo by David Sonneweber

March 16, 2022

Art by JHEurey

Daylight Scripture – Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.

Song of Songs 2:12

Daylight Prayer – Lord, I thank yourfor the glimmers of spring, when the daffodils pop up through the matted thorny earth. I thank you for the hope in new life, new beginnings and renewed hope. Lord have mercy on us as hope to bring newness to others. Amen.

August 24, 2020


green trees near rocky mountain during daytime

Photo by Mikita Karasiou

Daylight ScriptureGod is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

Psalm 45: 1-3

Daylight Prayer – Lord, I know that I don’t say just for myself that when the mountains are falling, and the seas are raging that it is easy to remember and pray. But I’ll do it anyway! Easy or hard, the word of God is true. You are my strength, and though the way forward may be obscured, I will not be afraid because I know that forward is where you are too. Thanks be to you God, most high, ever present, strength of my weakness. Amen.

August 23, 2020


New National Data Shows 'Crisis' Of Elder AbuseDaylight Scripture – Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

James 5: 14-16

Daylight Prayer – Lord, some days so hard, kids with pain, parents with problems, financial troubles, relationship dysfunctions…so many illnesses. Lord, even our society is on the brink of caving into darknesses that are devilishly destructive to the fabric of our lives. We need your help to heal, gain back strength, help others, find peace. Lord as an elder, I pray in total faith for all of these things, for all of us, for the world that is in chaos these days. Anointing them through your spirit to receive your grace. Give us your light. Give us your strength. Give us your forgiveness. Give us your Love. I pray in Christ’s name.