Monthly Archives: March 2014

DayLight 3.31.14


seacrossDayLight Scripture – With many parables Jesus gave them the word, as much as they were able to hear.

 Mark 4:33

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Forgive me when I get overwhelmed with all that I encounter in your word. Even when I think I see and understand, I often find myself in over my head. For example, you say, “love your enemies.” Those words overwhelm me. So thank you God that your Holy Spirit gives to me what I can bear, and helps me when I am in too deep, saving me for another day of wisdom. Amen.

DayLight 3.30.14


man-bor-blind-aDayLight Scripture – The man who had been blind from birth answered, “I don’t know whether Jesus a sinner or not. Here’s what I do know: I was blind and now I see.”


John 9:25

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Why is it that even when you open our eyes, we stumble in our blindness. God forgive me when I refuse to see, though you are by side continually showing me the way. Amen.

DayLight 3.29.14


dont-go-to-churchDayLight Scripture – Faith, without doing something with that faith, is dead.


James 2:26

DayLight Prayer – Lord, When I am ignoring what I should be doing, how I should be using the faith you have given me, or standing with my head in the clouds… please forgive me and remind me that I serve, which means I do something! Don’t let my faith be dead!  Amen.

DayLight 3.28.14


woman-caught-in-adulteryDayLight Scripture – Jesus said., “If you forgive people for they have done, then God will forgive you as well .”


Matthew 6:14

DayLight Prayer – Lord, When I carry the heaviness of unforgiveness, I am burdened by not only what I carry but my own stuff as well. Help me to remember that you forgive me so that I may forgive. Help me to have your forgiving spirit in me. Amen.

DayLight 3.27.14


Dream-Summer-Sunny-Day--1200x1920DayLight Scripture – Jesus said., “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”


John 9:5

DayLight Prayer – Lord, On this sunny morning I am thankful for the light. We have had some pretty dreary days of late. So thank you for the sun. More than that Lord, thank you for being the light of my inner world, for illuminating my heart, for helping me see my own faults and failures. Thank you for giving me the faith to ask for forgiveness, and then in your great mercy…forgiving me. I rejoice today in the beautiful light of your grace. Amen.

DayLight 3.26.14


rescueDayLight Scripture – Those who pay close attention to the poor are truly happy! The Lord rescues them during troubling times. .


Psalm 41:1

DayLight Prayer – Lord, My prayer today is for those who struggle with food insecurity, those whose choices are irrelevant, and those who hunger for more than a meal. Help me Lord to pay attention, to help when and where I am able. I am humbled by the blessings I have everyday. Thank you Lord for constantly rescuing me.  Amen.

DayLight 3.25.14


earthpainDayLight Scripture – Look among the nations and watch! Be astonished and stare because something is happening in your days that you wouldn’t believe even if you were told.


Habakkuk 1:5

DayLight Prayer – Lord, I pray for those today who have a front row seat to the many horrible things happening in the world. I am guilty of not paying as much attention to them as I should. Help me be more aware. Even though I can do little in a physical sense, I can pray. Amen.

DayLight 3.24.14

Anne McDonald

Anne McDonald

DayLight Scripture – Better to be patient than a warrior, and better to have self-control than to capture a city.


Proverbs 16:32

DayLight Prayer – Lord, I must admit, I do lose patience at times. And…well, my self-control is non-existent on many days. I need your help, your strength for these things. Have mercy on me, I pray. Amen.

DayLight 3.23.14


Yellow_Daffodil_Narcissus_Closeup_3008pxDayLight Scripture – God said to Samuel, “Have no regard for his appearance or stature, because I haven’t selected this person as king. The Lord doesn’t look at things like humans do. Humans see only what is visible to the eyes, but the Lord sees into the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7

DayLight Prayer – Lord, today I pray for all of us who judge. I am as guilty as anyone in doing that. I often look at the appearance, actions, and come to my own conclusions. I know it is wrong to look at the outside of a person only, because that view is so very limited. Please forgive me for judging, and help me to see people more through your eyes. Amen. 

DayLight 3.22.14


DayLight Scripture – God said, “Let the earth grow plant life: plants yielding seeds and fruit trees bearing fruit with seeds inside it, each according to its kind throughout the earth.” And that’s what happened.

purple tulipGenesis 1:11

DayLight Prayer – Lord, It feels like spring today, and I am giddy. Forgive me that I have almost forgotten that it is Lent. Help me to remember your passion and the suffering you endure for me and the world.  Amen.