Monthly Archives: April 2017

Daylight 4-28-17


Daylight Scripture – The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1

Daylight Prayer – Gracious Lord, Today I pray for those who are distressed, and who may be fearful of things, people, and the future. Give them hope in you, and assurance that you are indeed the stronghold of life. We live because of you and you alone. Help them, help me to seek your way everyday, so that my fears will be made irrelevant. Bring us joy, peace and hope! Amen.

Daylight 4-26-17


Daylight Scripture – A person is praised for insight, but a warped mind leads to contempt.

Proverbs 12:8

Daylight Prayer – Lord, I pray for insight, for discernment. My mind is sometimes warped by people and the circumstances in this world that I do not understand. I see cruelty, hatefulness, and so many dispirited people. I witness foul actions and hear foolish words that don’t make sense to me. Bring your mighty wisdom to bear upon people and through out this world. Overcome the madness! Make available your strength, your mercy and your love so that your kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.  Amen.

Daylight 4-10-17


Daylight Scripture – The Mighty One, God the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting.

Psalm 50:1

Daylight Prayer – Lord, thank you for the created earth that you gave us to be our home. This time of year, when new life is budding, blooming, and greening, I remember your promise of resurrection. Each year you reenact it in earth. I look forward to the resurrection when you not only summons creation from death to life, but also you summons your church to rise and live! Amen.

Daylight 4-9-17


Daylight Scripture – I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

Daylight Prayer – Lord, we remember today the day of joy and celebration that took place when you entered the holy City of David…and we remember what you were facing later on in the week. Forgive us Lord, when we take the peace you give us for granted. You gave it to us through your own life’s blood…as you truly overcame the world. Even in the midst of turmoil show us your peace, and enable us to grasp it fully. Amen.

Daylight 4-4-17


Image result for group hugDaylight Scripture –  As you set yourselves apart by your obedience to the truth so that you might have genuine affection for your fellow believers, love each other deeply and earnestly.

1 Peter 1:22

Daylight Prayer – Lord, I am so grateful that you made each of your children unique, different, and possessing the image of God. Lord, because we are all like you in some way, help us to see that in one another. Create in us a spirit of acceptance for the differences we have, so that we can see you in one another. Help us to lay down our judging spectacles and see clearly. In Jesus name, I ask it. Amen.