Monthly Archives: June 2015

DayLight 6.29.15


thoughtful-commentsDayLight Scripture – “You have heard that it was said, You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.  But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who harass you so that you will be acting as children of your Father who is in heaven. He makes the sun rise on both the evil and the good and sends rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous.

Matthew 5: 43-48

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Some days it seems that there are more enemies around us than friends, so help us to love those who are harassing us and making our lives tedious. Instead of seeing their faces coming at us, help us to see you in them. Amen.

DayLight 6.26.15


truthDayLight Scripture – Nothing is covered up that won’t be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.

Luke 12:2

DayLight Prayer – Lord, I pray for myself and all of us who believe that all our inward thoughts and opinions, all our sins of omission, and all prejudices and judgments, that we so keep so completely under wraps, will,  according to your word, one day be uncovered, unhidden and exposed. Lord have mercy on us for we are poor and so needy.  Amen. 

DayLight 6.25.15


Little small child  is looking at the giant legs of  businessman adult

DayLight Scripture – I’ve commanded you to be brave and strong, haven’t I? Don’t be alarmed or terrified, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

DayLight Prayer – Lord, My prayer today is focused on those who have paralyzing moments of fear, and who must sit in their homes because the world is to big and noisy for them. Help them, great protecting God. Help them know that they are not alone, and that you will be there in everything they face.  Amen. 

DayLight 6.24.15


birdyDayLight Scripture – But you have filled my heart with more joy than when their wheat and wine are everywhere!

Psalm 4:7

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Thank you for the blessing of a sunny day. I know that it is hot and dry, but the sunshine fills me with joy. I praise your goodness everyday. Amen. 

DayLight 6.23.15


people-praying-for-revival3DayLight Scripture – O Joshua ripped open his clothes. He, along with the elders of Israel, lay flat on their faces before the Lord’s chest until evening. They put dust on their heads.

Joshua 7:6

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Today I pray for the Church. Amid all that is happening in the world, the Church’s voice is somewhat silent. Let the people of God, love you and love each other…in the forms and ways that you lead us. Help us to forgive, to encourage, and to repeat and embody the gospel to everyone so that all may hear the GOOD NEWS. God loves you! You are forgiven in Jesus Christ! Amen. 

DayLight 6.22.15


child shoes

DayLight Scripture – Our skin is as hot as an oven because of the burning heat of famine.

Lamentations 5:10

DayLight Prayer – Lord, My prayer today is for those in our midst who are suffering because of lack of resources. Whether they are unable to pay their bills, buy enough food, or live in adequate housing. God, help us to help them, and through us provision those whose lives are amid famine. Amen. 

DayLight 6.21.15


Charleston-Emanuel-AME-Church-Shooting-VictimsDayLight Scripture – Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. 

Matthew 5:4

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Today I pray for all who are grief stricken. For the evil they have witnessed, for the injustice they have experienced, and pain they are enduring, give them comfort and rest. Lord have mercy. Amen. 

DayLight 6.20.15

close the candle in the wind

close the candle in the wind

DayLight Scripture – Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.

Proverbs 16:3

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Today I pray for those whose life’s work is truly committed to you. Let them see the fruits of their labors. Encourage them through your spirit. Amen. 

DayLight 6.19.15


angel prayingDayLight Scripture – Salt is good; but if salt loses its saltiness, how will it become salty again? Maintain salt among yourselves and keep peace with each other.

Mark 9:50

DayLight Prayer – Lord, My heart is heavy with grief today. Your heart is broken I know. Help us to gain understanding, wisdom and accuracy when the world deals us a blow so horrific. Help us to give in to just holding one another through tears of lament. Have mercy. Amen. 

DayLight 6.18.15


impatientDayLight Scripture –  Doom to those who drag guilt along with cords of fraud, and haul sin as if with cart ropes, who say, “God should hurry and work faster so we can see;  let the plan of Israel’s holy one come quickly, so we can understand it.”

Isaiah 5: 18-19

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Forgive me when I am impatient. Forgive me when I whine for understanding because of my need to know and control. Lord forgive me for not waiting patiently for you to reveal your plans. Lord, have mercy on me…your restless, breathless, in-a-hurry child.  Amen.