Monthly Archives: October 2013

DayLight 10.31.13



DayLight Scripture –

Be clearheaded. Keep alert. Your accuser, the devil, is on the prowl like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith. Do so in the knowledge that your fellow believers are enduring the same suffering throughout the world.

1 Peter 5: 8-9

DayLight Prayer – Your protection is my cloak and shield today. When the accuser comes at me, I am hidden by your side, Lord. Help me always to resist the tempter, and stand firm in the promises you have given me. I delight in the Lord, who is my defender and safe place.  Amen.

DayLight 10.30.13



DayLight Scripture –

You will present each gift offering to the Lord from all your gifts, from its best portions and its holiest parts.

Numbers 18: 29

DayLight Prayer – Lord, let me present the very best of my gifts today. I am afraid that I don’t always do it. Forgive me, and free me from my selfish ways.  Amen.

DayLight 10.29.13



DayLight Scripture –

Even in their own kingdom, surrounded by the great goodness that you gave to them, even in the wide and rich land that you gave them, they didn’t serve you or turn from their wicked works.

Nehemiah 9: 35

DayLight Prayer – Lord, I have heard it said that from those to whom much is given, much is expected. It is certainly implied in your Word that we are expected to give…because the fact is we have all been given a great goodness. We have been given your grace, free, whole, and constant, even when we don’t deserve it. Thank you Lord, and help me to leave all wickedness behind and help me to walk in the life you have given me. I am reaching upward to you.  Amen.

DayLight 10.28.13



DayLight Scripture –

All of us are born of women, have few days, and are full of turmoil. Like a flower, we bloom, then wither, flee like a shadow, and don’t last.

Job 14:1-2

DayLight Prayer – Gracious Lord, Please forgive me when I don’t appreciate the minutes, hours and days you have given me. I know that I have so very little time here on earth. Help me to make the most of what I have been given, using it for worship, love, sharing, and joy.  Amen.

DayLight 10.27.13



DayLight Scripture –

I, the Lord, love justice;
I hate robbery and dishonesty.
I will faithfully give them their wage,
and make with them an enduring covenant.

Isaiah 61: 8

DayLight Prayer – Lord, I know that I do participate as I should in promoting justice in the world. I know that I can do more. Rather than sitting around a complaining that “something should be done,” help me see that much can be done. I know that I am the one who should do something. Help me to see the injustices around me. Help me not to fall into the trap of thinking that the problem is too big and I can’t do anything. Help me to be an active participant, for many one-person acts of justice done by many people will equal more justice for those who suffer. Amen.

DayLight 10.26.13



DayLight Scripture –

Remember this and take courage;
take it to heart, you rebels.
Remember the prior things—from long ago;
I am God, and there’s no other.
I am God! There’s none like me,

Isaiah 46: 8-9

DayLight Prayer – God of Heaven, even in my rebellious times, I do remember all that you have done for me. There has not yet been a time when you deserted me, nor a time when you withheld you help. Truly there is none other like you. Thank you God for the love you lavish upon me, and upon us all. Help me today to see you and to share what I see with others. Amen.

DayLight 10.25.13



DayLight Scripture –

My God is my rock—I take refuge in him!—
he’s my shield and my salvation’s strength,
my place of safety and my shelter.
My savior! Save me!

2 Samuel 22: 3

DayLight Prayer – I rejoice like David did in this song he wrote, Lord. You know how many times a day I call to you to save me. So far you have never let me down, and I believe like a solid rock that is so forever. My Savior and Lord. Amen.

DayLight 10.24.13



DayLight Scripture –

The truly happy person
doesn’t follow wicked advice,
doesn’t stand on the road of sinners,
and doesn’t sit with the disrespectful.
Instead of doing those things,
these persons love the Lord’s Instruction,
and they recite God’s Instruction day and night!
They are like a tree replanted by streams of water,
which bears fruit at just the right time
and whose leaves don’t fade.
Whatever they do succeeds.

Psalm 1:1-3

DayLight Prayer – It seems to me Lord, that most of us want to be truly happy. I mean, we live under the constitutional right for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, correct? Here in these verses is both the way to success and the remedy for our unhappiness. Help me, help us all, to pay attention…if we want to be truly happy. Amen.

DayLight 10.23.13



DayLight Scripture –

Whenever I ponder you on my bed,
whenever I meditate on you in the middle of the night— because you’ve been a help to me, I shout for joy in the protection of your wings.

Psalm 63:6-7

DayLight Prayer – The psalmist David saw his protection as a peep under the wings of a dove. He shouted for joy, because he knew that he was protected and that you, O Lord, would always be there to help him. I know that too. I shout too, and am thankful that wherever I am, you are with me. Your holy presence and your constant, never-changing love steadies me everyday. To you, Oh Lord, be the glory forever. Amen.

DayLight 10.22.13



DayLight Scripture –

 In the same way, even though the tongue is a small part of the body, it boasts wildly. Think about this: A small flame can set a whole forest on fire.

James 3: 5

DayLight Prayer -Most gracious Father, Thank you for the blessing of words. My life’s work involves them, so what would I do without them? But Lord, help me to use my words, my voice for the good. And help me to think before I speak…or write, so that any sound I make if it is flammable, allow that flame to be of the Holy Spirit. Amen.