Monthly Archives: September 2014

DayLight 9.30.14


secret_places_by_nelleke-d733sejDayLight Scripture – I say to myself, I wish I had wings like a dove! I’d fly away and rest. I’d run so far away! I’d live in the desert. I’d hurry to my hideout, far from the rushing wind and storm.  

Psalm 55:6-8

DayLight Prayer – Gracious Lord, There are days when many of us feel just like the psalmist. Our lives become so hard to bear that all we can think of is to run…run away and hide. Sweet Lord, my prayer today is for all of us who are hiding. Come to us in that hidden place, touch us and strengthen us, so that when we emerge, we will have been made new. Amen.

DayLight 9.29.14


blowDayLight Scripture -What are human beings, Lord, that you know them at all? What are human beings that you even consider them? Humans are like a puff of air; their days go by like a shadow.  

Psalm 144: 3-4

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Today help me to consider the short span of my life, the few days, the few hours, the few moments that you give me to live. Help me, I pray, to let them be devoted to your pleasure.  Amen.

DayLight 9.28.14


barsDayLight Scripture – So don’t be afraid, my servant Jacob, declares the Lord, Don’t lose hope, Israel.  I will deliver you from faraway places and your children from the land of their exile. My people  will again be safe and sound, with no one harassing them. 

Jeremiah 30:10

DayLight Prayer – Lord, I pray for all of us who are imprisoned by our fear…of events to come, of the deeds of our past, of the state of our relationships, or who are perhaps…afraid of dying. Help us to know that there is rescue coming, deliverance from all our fear and deliverance into your arms of grace. Help is to drop the barriers we have erected around our lives and our hearts so that the light of Jesus may move upon us. May we be set free.  Amen.

DayLight 9.25.14


bowDayLight Scripture –  The bow will be in the clouds, and upon seeing it I will remember the enduring covenant between God and every living being of all the earth’s creatures.

Genesis 9:16

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Thank you for your rainbows which come to remind us that you keep us in mind.   Amen.

DayLight 9.24.14


2014-09-20 17.13.31DayLight Scripture –  Turn to me, God, and have mercy on me because I’m alone and suffering.

Psalm 25:16

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Your mercy is constant and everlasting. Whenever I feel alone, and even though I am miserable, I know that you with me. You are with us all when we suffer. Just because I may be so caught up in my pain, and do not think of you, that doesn’t mean you are not with me. For that, O Lord, I am grateful.   Amen.

DayLight 9.23.14


sleepDayLight Scripture –  In the dream, a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon humans, during their slumber on a bed, God opens people’s ears, scares them with warnings, to turn them from a deed and to smother human pride.

Job 33: 15-17

DayLight Prayer – Lord, I pray for all of us whose dreams may be disturbing, even alarming. Help us to see any hidden message you have for us within them. Let us not be discouraged or dismayed when you speak to us through a dream, a vision or other supernatural way. Help us to trust that your ways are not our ways or even clearly understandable. Thank you for always seeking me, for helping me to avoid a pitfall, and for extending your mercy and grace always.  Amen.

DayLight 9.22.14


woman_pastorsDayLight Scripture –  Jesus traveled through the cities and villages, preaching and proclaiming the good news of God’s kingdom. The Twelve were with him, along with some women who had been healed of evil spirits and sicknesses. Among them were Mary Magdalene (from whom seven demons had been thrown out), Joanna (the wife of Herod’s servant Chuza), Susanna, and many others who provided for them out of their resources.

Luke 8: 1-3

DayLight Prayer – Lord, I pray today for women who are called into pastoral ministry. I ask that you strengthen my sisters for the work of your kingdom. I pray that they will be accepted, respected, heard and honored in their places of ministry. Cast out their fear, empower them with boldness, and let their ministries impact lives.  Amen.

DayLight 9.20.14


Walk-with-TearsDayLight Scripture –  I’m worn out from groaning. Every night, I drench my bed with tears; I soak my couch all the way through.

Psalm 6:6

DayLight Prayer – Precious and gracious Lord, Today I pray for those whose hearts are broken, whose souls are hurt from the pain of grief. Please bring your loving presence into their experience, and help them to know that you are with them. May they be touched by your healing mercy. Amen. 

DayLight 9.19.14


AA044246DayLight Scripture –  Jesus called the people near and said to them, “Listen and understand.  It’s not what goes into the mouth that contaminates a person in God’s sight. It’s what comes out of the mouth that contaminates the person.”

Matthew 15:10-11

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Some days I struggle with the words that come out of the mouths of people I meet. I honestly think if they could hear themselves, then they wouldn’t spew the contamination that flows forth. God, help me to remember that it is from heart that my words come, and I too at times spew contaminations. Forgive me, Lord. Amen.

DayLight 9.18.14


Milky Way over Castle Valley UtahDayLight Scripture – The skies were made by the Lord’s word, all their starry multitude by the breath of his mouth.

Psalm 33:6

DayLight Prayer – Lord, I am so thankful for eyesight that allows me to see the stars you have made. I pray today for all those whose lives need to be blessed by the vision of your majestic heavens. Help them when they gaze at the stars to know that you are present and loving them.  Amen.