Monthly Archives: January 2016

DayLight 1-29-16


Holy-Communion (1)DayLight Scripture –  Jesus said to the disciples, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

John 6: 35

DayLight Prayer – Lord,  Thirst and hunger comes to us all. I thank you for making your word so clear that anyone can understand. Everyone gets hungry and everyone gets thirsty. Everyone can come to you. Amen.

DayLight 1-28-16


mountain-valley-wallpaper-8DayLight Scripture – The meadowlands are covered with flocks, the valleys decked out in grain—they shout for joy; they break out in song!

Psalm 95:13

DayLight Prayer – Lord, Sometimes the valleys appear more beautiful to us than the craggy mountain tops, which are hard to reach. I pray today for those of us who are in a valley that is beautiful, but is also filled with sadness. Give your comforting peace to anyone who is struggling in the valley; anyone who needs to shout for joy and break out in song but who in their own strength, cannot.  Give us your song…if only in our hearts. Amen.

DayLight 1.27.16


sunburstDayLight Scripture – God created everything so that it might exist. The creative forces at work in the cosmos are life-giving.

Wisdom 1:14a

DayLight Prayer – Dear Lord, Today I pray for scientists who have the rare opportunity to see farther into your creative playground than I do. Let the majesty of the cosmos bring them to a place of awe, and let us all rejoice at your creative, life-giving work in the world around us. 

DayLight 1.26.16


friendship-bandsDayLight Scripture –  When Job’s three friends heard about all this disaster that had happened to him, they came, each one from his home—Eliphaz from Teman, Bildad from Shuah, and Zophar from Naamah. They agreed to come so they could console and comfort him.

Job 2:11

DayLight Prayer – Lord, I know that Job’s friends didn’t add much comfort or consolation to his difficult times, but at least they were willing to show up. Thank you for the friends that I have in my life; those whom I can count on to show up when I have trouble.  Thank you for your friendship, and that of your son, Jesus, my greatest friend. Amen.

DayLight 1.25.16


winter2-fullDayLight Scripture – God spreads snow like it was wool; God scatters frost like it was ashes.

Psalm 147:16

DayLight Prayer – Dear Lord, When I walk in the falling snow, I am reminded of your goodness that makes even the frozen earth full of beauty. Thank you for the grandeur of the graceful flakes as they drift and fly. Amen.

DayLight 1.24.16


school_of_fishDayLight Scripture – Wherever the river flows, every living thing that moves will thrive. There will be great schools of fish, because when these waters enter the sea, it will be fresh. Wherever the river flows, everything will live.

Ezekiel 47:9

DayLight Prayer – Lord, It’s obvious isn’t it? When water is stagnant, there is no life. Help me today to let your living water flow through me, so I will be alive. Amen.

Daylight 1.23.16


icecrystalsDaylight Scripture – God pours frost, like salt, upon the earth, and when it freezes it has pointy thorns.  A cold north wind will blow, and ice will freeze on the water; it will settle on every pool of water, and the water will put it on like armor.

Sirach 41: 19-20

Daylight Prayer – Lord, some days are glazed with beauty, cold, stark and life threatening. It is on those days that I realize the blessings that you give me; warm home, warm food, warm love. You surround me in the midst of the ice, with the homey fire of your Holy Spirit. I am most blessed. Selah!

Daylight 1-15-16


Daylight Scripture – Whoever instructs the cynic gets insulted; whoever corrects the wicked gets hurt. 

Proverbs 9:7
Daylight Prayer: Gracious God, there are so many days when I want to instruct cynics and correct the wicked with a tongue of firey righteousness. Then I remember my own sins, doubts, and cynicism. Why is it that we so clearly see those things in others? Why is it we overlook our own grievous faults? Lord, forgive me and help me this day to vocalize kindness, understanding and hope to both the wicked and the cynical…which includes me. In your mercy, Amen.