DayLight 1.8.15


anglel_playing_trumpet-angel-music-trumpet-hornDayLight Scripture – Who can endure the day of God’s coming? Who can withstand God’s appearance? God is like the refiner’s fire or the cleaner’s soap.

Malachi 3: 2

DayLight Prayer – Great God, Let me this day rejoice to know that you are coming, and I pray, coming soon.  I am blessed to know that because of Jesus, I can be clean and presentable to you. I am blessed to be represented by the Holy One and through his grace I am refined. Lord I bless your name. Amen.

About Judy Eurey

In my life I am a wife to Ed, a mom to Amanda and Charles, Mimi to Sara and Jessy, and Judy to my friends and family. In 2019 I retired from pastoral ministry and have settled into my new normal. Frankly I love being retired. Unless otherwise noted, the Scripture passages used on my blog DayLight are my own paraphrased interpretations. I invite you to verify, dispute and otherwise comment. I am open to discussion.

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