DayLight 9.16.14


danceDayLight Scripture – The Lord makes a record as he registers the peoples: “Each one was born there.” Praise the Lord.  And while they dance, people sing: “The source of my life comes from you.”

Psalm 87:6-7

DayLight Prayer – Holy Savior, I am so blessed to know that you count me in! I am also thankful that it was for all of your children you came, gave your life, rose again and you make a way for each of us to be counted in. Lord, help those who have not heard, to hear; those who have not witnessed your love, to witness it; those who have not known the touch of your grace, to know your merciful touch. Thanks be to God, who is the source of life. Hallelujah! Amen.

About Judy Eurey

In my life I am a wife to Ed, a mom to Amanda and Charles, Mimi to Sara and Jessy, and Judy to my friends and family. In 2019 I retired from pastoral ministry and have settled into my new normal. Frankly I love being retired. Unless otherwise noted, the Scripture passages used on my blog DayLight are my own paraphrased interpretations. I invite you to verify, dispute and otherwise comment. I am open to discussion.

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